Learn how to expose yourself properly on social media

2 years ago · Updated 2 years ago



Attention all those who like to expose their lives on social networks. This post will teach you how to do it the right way.

If you decide to expose your life on Facebook, don't do it halfway! Example: The person posts only the phrase "I'm in mourning", or just the word "Luto". Where's the context?

  • Whose fight?
  • Died of what?
  • Buries where?
  • What time?

Another common mistake of those who want attention on social networks is to post "I'm hospitalized". So that we can interact more you must give more details, such as:

  • What happened?
  • Where are you hospitalized?
  • What room?
  • Do you want to receive visits, prayers, shaking, phone calls, whatsapp messages?

Another error: You can't just post "I'm angry". You have to explain better! Whose anger? Or anger at what? And why are you angry? Be specific!

The "Sadness defines me". Are you sad because creature? Tell me what happened!

I'm "Hurt at some people". What people? What did they get up to? What did they do to hurt you so much?

The classic of classics is: "Today I kill one" Who are you going to kill? Where are you going to kill? Want help? Do you want an audience?

This business of news in pieces and in metaphors is very boring!

If you don't get the news/gossip right please don't post.

The same goes for "hi" in Whatsapp. Don't just say hello. Tell me what you want to tell.

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Alex PortalParalelo.Com


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