Older children can't help with household expenses?

2 years ago · Updated 1 year ago

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Report sent by Reader Adeilson: This is a recurring question for parents who have children of legal age and need their help with household expenses.

The question is: Is everyone in the household aware that the family needs help?

An example: The family where the parents work and have always managed (even with difficulties) to honor all commitments by themselves, now that the son works and earns his money, even if little, shouldn't he help pay off the expenses?

Even if the parents have paid for everything for years, it should be borne in mind that if everyone helps, the weight will drop at the end of the month.

Furthermore, one must also take into consideration, what the son is doing with the money received for his work.

Does young people spend money on travel, parties, sweets, candies, cookies or anything else superfluous and leave their parents struggling to pay the essential bills for everyone?

Don't parents deserve to have their luxuries either, since they give them up to pay the bills?

But what is the solution then?

Unfortunately there is no easy way to deal with this situation if not everyone in the house has the same thought of unity.

If the child does not take the attitude of taking part of this responsibility for himself, and if one of the parents does not have the common sense to demand that the expenses must be divided so that everyone can relax, the family will not be able to understand each other and the broth will run out.

Young people have to learn that at an older age there are commitments and expenses that must be settled and that the world is not a bed of roses where you only do what you want.

The sooner everyone thinks about it, the better it will be for the person, the family and society.

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